4 September 2020
Although we are very realistic regarding the rapid decline in the infection and mortality rate of Covid 19, we are very optimistic that we have indeed crossed the rubicon.
A lot can be said on the matter but I believe that we should honor the Lord for His mercy.
As we all suspected, there are a few sectors which will take (even with much care and caution) a very long time to recover from the impact and the backlash of the pandemic;
For our core business, we are experiencing a tremendous impact regarding hunger.
Very early on, as early as April, many people have lost all employment and thus all income. The effect of this is that our number of children coming to school and having to face the day and night without food, for days on end, have increased drastically.
You can only pray for the hunger pains to subside for so long.
You can only drink so much water to still the rumble in your belly.
Like adults, children go to extremes, just to be able to eat.
The consequences of their actions are not on the perimeter of their thought processes.
They are too numb to consider the cost. Instinct and survival surpasses all rational and logic. If you have neved experienced extreme hunger, you will not understand this.
I have seen that a hungry person, is a dangrous person, on all possible levels.
The secondary effect of nagative impact is that of academic and education.
The hungry and deprived child is restless and lethargic, and in most cases they just stay at home. The effect of that is that if there is no motivation or external stimulus for them to return to school, they are lost to the school system, forever. We see this every year.
Year after year we see that of the approximate 1.2 million Gr 1 intakes, only 600 000 write their final matric examination. During every school cycle, 50% of the initial intake is lost, never to return. They are uneducated, illetarate, with no hope, no dreams and no future. They become a burden to the state and to society and the cycle repeats itself. Research over many years have shown, that hunger and lack of resources score as one of the highest factors.
This was the very reason which drove us to start the Kos Vir Skole project.
For 22 years we have been fighting endlessly to stop this phenomenon, and with your help and intervention we have been extremely successful in many ways.
That is the main reason why you can be assured that your financial support towards KVS is not wasted, and it is not going to places and individuals who have no need for it. The end users, the beneficiaries of KVS are children who are assessed, managed pro actively and continualy monitored to ensure that although our victories are small in the greater scheme of things, we can proudly say that we are making a lasting impact in the lives of thousands of children, and thus in our communities.
We have hope,
We have trust,
We are positive,
We will continue with what we are good at
Thank you for enabling us,
Thank you for your continued support,
We value your partnership and have limitless appreciation for your trust and buy-in.
Stay safe!
Johannes M. Pretorius
Kos Vir Skole NPC
Absa, Tyger Valley
Business cheque
405 760 7964